day 3870 – the forks

there’s not much to attractions in winnipeg and the people in the city are not welcoming. ventured out to the forks market for some sightseeing before catching my flight home. walking everywhere in piles of snow and ice is quite the experience but good thing the weather is warmer than when i first arrived. i got a chance to see take some nice photos of both buildings and scenery

day 3818 – straight leg jumps

i was all ready to take my stiff leg jumps to the next level but my body had other ideas. i felt a sharp crank in my neck on one of my reps and that basically ended my workout. i still tried to continue with deadlifts and bench, but the rest were impossible. what’s worse is i wasn’t seeing physio because he was also taken out. it’s not a coincidence the day after shoveling sidewalks and back lanes took us both out. the amount of discomfort and limitation was unreal and admitting pain is rare coming from me

day 3492 – white flakes

not a fan of these white flakes coming down especially when city of vancouver is horrible at keeping the roads running. i really hope snow doesn’t continue to fall overnight because i need to get myself to canada place first thing tomorrow morning. i’ve had enough of the cold and snowy season and can’t wait to get better weather and warmer temperatures so i don’t feel like i need my heat lamp everywhere

day 3422 – snowy lifts

not really sure how my sonic got me through the snow to apex, but it did. the roads were left unplowed even though the city forecasted the snowfall. snatch technique felt alright, but the jerks were on point today. got a chance to touch fifty two kilograms and that felt snappy. i like that i’ve stayed consistent trusting my technique a little more. i will push a little harder when i return from toronto

day 3415 – small wins

pretty good results from the workout provided i haven’t done an olympic lifts since i was last in. despite the time lost, i made all my snatch wave up to forty kilograms. the technique is still there, but i just need the confidence back. these days i look for small wins everyday and being able to do this without compromise is a step in the right direction

day 3404 – first snow

first snowfall of the season as predicted by the weather gods. even then, the city didn’t do their job to prepare the roads because there there’s traffic problems and accidents all over the news this morning. i was worried driving my sonic to work but thankfully the little powerhouse did really well. the significant temperature drop worries me and i’m not looking forward to icy roads

day 3092 – squamish run

a trip up to squamish was necessary to pickup a cable machine for my gym. the drive was not a bad one; the round trip took roughly fours. i didn’t expect that there’s still be snow up there, but i guess it’s only another half an hour away from whistler so temperature is much lower compared to central vancouver. making the long drive and back stiffness more worthwhile by making a pit stop to get some coffee and mountain view from up top

day 3067 – weather warning

weather forecast was right for once and predicted that snow would fall again this evening. this would be the first time driving my sonic in snow and it did well to get me home from my studio. my previous shadow didn’t fair well on even speckled of snow. i should probably find my snow brush and be prepared for the next snow because weather network also had some warning for upcoming days

day 2734 – burnaby mountain

the snowfall warning was called off this morning after all the road salting commotion. still felt like seeing some snow, so went up to burnaby mountain. it was cold and slippery so didn’t spent too much time outside. i got to climb a few things before running inside and getting some wings in my system just because it’s wednesday. it’s the first time i had wings in the turn of the new calendar year and likely will be some time before my next

day 2704 – vallea lumina

haven’t been to whistler all year since i skipped last skiing season. made a trek up the mountain to check out the vallea lumina lights. the lights and the holograms were so pretty it’s also a good opportunity to test out the night mode on my new phone. i made sure i dressed properly this time and wore four layers and three pairs of pants including baselayers. definitely would want to come back to check out the summer version

day 2451 – snowy disappointment

the forecast was correct as snow fell overnight. it wasn’t a whole lot, so i could still drive my mom’s car to work. i was hit with a bunch of disappointment at flipping tonight. what i felt in december came back again – i felt like i wasn’t getting the same support and learning opportunity. i’m pretty frustrated i’m not getting what i need to make progress. all i ever hear is i’m making progress, i’m missing technique; but i’m not getting any support or guidance as to how to fix that technique or what it is i need to do to get there. it’s the neglect and the constant empty promises that’s really getting to me. maybe my initial gut feeling was correct and i should pack it in because no one believes i can land anything anymore

day 2023 – snowy conditions


the road conditions are still pretty bad, but work responsibilities must go on after a snow day. continuing to drive my mom’s car since monday’s snow fall. the rav4 is ways better than my beemer in the snow, but it’s still skidding on the side streets. i just want the snow to stop so i can resume driving my own car and not feel bad for impeding on my mom’s work plans. though i don’t feel bad because my entire family has permission to work from home except

day 2021 – car scrapes


it was cold and snowy morning, but made it into the office with my mom’s rav4. i was surprised management let us off early since i’m at a company that forced me to risk going into the office to work even with a broken hand. i didn’t leave early since i had every intention to go flip. the conditions going home from richmond was not good at all. there up a bus and truck stuck on the off ramp of knight bridge which caused traffic to be backed up i’ll have to make a judgment call for work when i wake up tomorrow morning. winter has official arrived in vancouver

day 2020 – snowed in


had the luxury to sleep in until eleven, like what most people would do on sundays. i decided to skip powerskating because i’ve lacked sleep all week not to mention stiff from two hockey games. woke up and realized it was it was snowing outside. my plans of meeting with friends had to be canceled because it of the unsafe road conditions. i even had to miss out my workout and open gym flipping. i can only imagine what it’s like up on the mountain today

day 1669 – snow boot

img_20200203_1344485607323466488794467.jpgsnow boots all around after hours of flurries. the flurries of snow fall was continuous throughout the day and got heavy at certain points. i risked it and drove to work with my shadow, but got very anxious as the snow fall got heavier and i see my car covered in six inches of white powder. like many others, i left work early, but not early enough to avoid the congested road. it took over 75 minutes of slipping and sliding before i got home, but thankfully got home safely

day 1668 – weathering

the cold vancouver winter is quite frightful and unpleasant for my shadow. the weather forecast has issued a heavy snowfall warning that starts at 6am. i don’t enjoy the snow on city roads because i’m slipping and skidding everywhere. the sight lines up at the mountain is a much better view. it’s making me think back on the warm summer days when i would be outdoor without frozen fingers

day 1255 – milder weather


reminiscing the summer temperatures because vancity’s winter has been far from mild. i’ve had enough of this snow, extremely chilly days and even earthquakes today. i walk out in the morning to be met by negative eight degrees which is unheard of in vancouver. the icy roads have been terrible; i witnessed accidents and had a few incidents where my car was sliding helplessly. my shadow is just hibernating and waiting for the snow to disappear

day 1231 – whistler village

img_20200204_1918177599904492121099567.jpgsleeping in on day three and final day of whistler getaway. before i go, i wanted to make sure to pay another visit to the olympic rings in the village. as much as i wanted to climb it, it’ll have to wait until next time. driving back to vancity was not fun with an irritated eye, but made it back to home. it was a weekend full of everything and now must get ready to grind again; my workaholic life resumes

day 1226 – car ironing

imageimg_20200204_2142034165295790209916393.jpgthinking about car tires all day because of expected snowfall in the city and the new tire regulations up sea to sky highway. good thing both problems are resolved. one, by stacking some plates in my trunk to the add weight to my car. it might not be much, but should still make it more grounded and a bit less susceptible to skidding. the second, confirmed that my mom’s car tire meets the regulations to get up whistler

30 share it [five]

the first snowfall of the vancouver winter came early this year, but the snow is better seen and felt up on the mountain. waking up and seeing snow covered ground is a good sign and a bad sign. i didn’t think i’d make it to work this morning as shadow skidded numerous times and even got stuck. snows accounts for terrible driving conditions where my odometer halved and my commute tripling in time