day 2667 – downtown sailing

sunny days are hard to come by in november, so had to take advantage and get some much needed fresh air in midst of the lockdown. afternoon was spent looking in olympic village near science world and evening was spent walking venturing downtown near waterfront station. i did a couple back tucks throughout the day, but body started to give up from fatigue and hunger. i had to hold off on the eating until dinner time rolled around if i wanted any hope of making weight

day 574 – pink it forward


pink is the name of the game on antibullying day. tonight i made a detour to pass by the five sails because it was lit up pink. it was cold, so as long as you are bundled up, walking along the seawall at night is very nice and calming. the refractions of colours in the water sums up the stillness of the night. i am sure it’s more beautiful in the spring and summer time

day 267 – nike frees


spending a fortune these days and this time i invested in another pair of nike frees that i have been eyeing since it first came out. the style and colour had me from the very beginning, i guess this is what you call love at first sight. utterly most comfortable shoes ever and will need to take extra good care of this pair. but as long as i work hard, it will be worth every penny